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5-7 JUNE 2023 – ROME, ITALY

The European Health Management Association (EHMA) and our member, ALTEMS – Graduate School of Health Economics and Management, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, are pleased to co-host the 28th edition of the EHMA Annual Conference on 5-7 June 2023 in Rome, Italy.

‘Health management: sustainable solutions for complex systems’ is the theme of EHMA 2023. Throughout the three-day program, we will look at opportunities, best practices and innovations for continuously evolving health systems. We will support participants in proposing innovative solutions for sustainable and resilient health systems and facilitate exchanges and discussions on complex topics.

Each year we gather the full health management ecosystem bringing together health managers and leaders, healthcare professionals, hospital managers, researchers, academics, and policymakers. Our participants mirror EHMA’s diverse membership and bring rich expertise and a wealth of knowledge in discussing the most relevant health management issues.
Together we strive for excellent health management for a healthy Europe.

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