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Communicating on climate change and health

Toolkit for health professionals



Developed by the World Health Organization with the invaluable support of Health Canada, Climate and Health Alliance Australia, Center for Climate Change Communication at George Mason University, Global Climate and Health Alliance, the Canadian Medical Association and the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health.

Written by Remy Shergill and Shreya Shrikhande, with significant support from Marina Maiero and Alexandra Egorova.

*Credit to Dr Ed Maibach, Director of the Center for Climate Change Communication, George Mason University

The material in this toolkit is informed by a literature review (part of an ongoing project), and several consultation sessions with communication experts and end users.

Executive summary

Climate change is the biggest health threat of the 21st century. For many people, the negative health effects of climate change are already here.

While climate change is a big threat to health, implementing solutions to address climate change presents a huge opportunity to promote better health and protect people from climate-sensitive diseases.

Communicating the health risks of climate change and the health benefits of climate solutions is both necessary and helpful. Health professionals are well-placed to play a unique role in helping their communities to understand climate change, protect themselves, and realize the health benefits of climate solutions.

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