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Carla Viegas

Graduated in Environmental Health from Lisbon School of Health Technology – Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon has a Master degree in Safety and Ergonomics from Lisbon University and PhD in Occupational and Environmental Health from New University of Lisbon.

The author’s major field of study is occupational and environmental mycology leading and participating in several national and international projects about both areas of expertise. Special interests are occupational exposure to fungi in highly contaminated settings, complementary of conventional methods and molecular tools to assess fungi occupational exposure and climate change impact on exposure to microbial contamination. Additionally, she has expertise in sampling campaigns performed in different occupational environments using wide sampling and analyses approach to assess multiple microbiological agents.

Professor at Lisbon School of Health Technology, Director of the Occupational Health Master’s course and researcher at H&TRC- Health & Technology Research Center from ESTeSL-IPL, NOVA National School of Public Health, Public Health Research Centre, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and Comprehensive Health Research Center (CHRC). The author has several publications/ communications in the mentioned areas of specialization.