National Academy of Medicine (EUA), 30 August 2024
NAM Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the U.S. Health Sector – Executive Summary and Reflections from Phase 1 (2021-2023)
There continues to be an immediate, actionable opportunity to mobilize health professionals, health sector entities, and leadership to reduce the environmental impacts of the health sector, as well as invest in and advance climate resilience and sustainability.
Given this, the NAM launched the Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the U.S. Health Sector (Climate Collaborative) in 2021, with its first phase of work running from September 2021 through December 2023. Bringing together the public, private, and non-profit sectors, the Climate Collaborative serves as a neutral platform for participants to set sustainability goals together, and to advance progress across priority areas through collaboration, coordination, communication, shared learning activities, and collective actions.