Health Care Without Harm & Arup, September 2019
Health Care’s Climate Footprint. How the Health Sector Contributes to the Global Climate Crisis and Opportunities for Action
This report establishes the first-ever global estimate of health care’s climate footprint and makes a set of recommendations to align global health goals with global climate goals.
In collaboration with Health Care Without Harm, Arup has estimated the healthcare sector’s global climate footprint, establishing for the first time the significance of healthcare’s contribution to the climate emergency.
Healthcare’s climate footprint is 4.4% of the global total; meaning if it were a country, it would be the fifth largest emitter on the planet. With a footprint of this size, it becomes clear that healthcare can play a vital role in mitigating mankind’s climate impact.
The report also identifies key sources of emissions, a first step in establishing a routemap for healthcare’s transition towards a Paris Agreement-compliant emissions trajectory, thereby aligning global health goals with global climate goals.