Josep M. Antó
ISGlobal & Pompeu Fabra University
ISGlobal & Pompeu Fabra University
Dr. Josep M. Antó is senior research professor at ISGlobal, professor emeritus of Medicine at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and co-chair of the Lancet Countdown in Europe. He is a respiratory physician and epidemiologist whose research has focused on the epidemiology of asthma and COPD with a special interest in the environmental determinants and prevention of these diseases. Among other notable positions, he has been founding director of the Environmental Epidemiology Research Center (CREAL) (2005-2016) and founding scientific director of ISGlobal (2016-2019). In the recent years, it has increasingly devoted itself to adapting environmental health strategies to the fight against climate change and to promoting the concept of planetary health locally and internationally.