Henrique Cyrne de Carvalho
Henrique José́ Cyrne de Castro Machado Carvalho, was born at Porto in January 1959. He graduated in medicine at the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS) of Porto University in June 1983, with the final classification of 15 over 20. From 1984 to 1989 he became member of the board of the direction of the Portuguese Medical Organization (Ordem dos Médicos). From 1985 to 1986 he became Junior Assistant in ICBAS, and Invited Assistant in 1990.
In December 1990, he started his internship in interventional cardiology at Hospital de São João (3 years). In April 1992 he became Assistant Professor of Cardiology and in June of the same year he graduated in cardiology (final classification of 19,4 over 20). In 1993 he won a Grant of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology, and went to Toulouse for one-year training period on interventional cardiology, at the “Unité de Cardiologie Interventionnelle” of Clinique Pasteur, under the supervision of Professor Jean Marco. In October 1994 he became director of the recently founded Interventional Cardiology Cath-lab, in Hospital de Santo António, Porto. In 1995 he was elected, and re-elected in 1997, to de direction board of the Working Group of Intervention Cardiology, of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology, and in 1999 and in 2001 to the national board of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology. In 2000 he got his PhD degree in Medicine by the University of Porto. From 2002 until 2013 e was president of the Pedagogic Commission of the Course of Medicine. In 2006 he was designated by de ministry of health as advisor to the national coordinator of cardiovascular diseases. In 2009 he got the sub-specialty of Cardiovascular Intervention. In 2010 he became member of the Scientific Commission of the course of medicine in ICBAS, and in 2011 he was nominated chair of Medicine 1 and Medical Specialties. In 2014 he got the title of Aggregated Professor on Medical Sciences, and in the same year was elected to the Representative Council and to the Scientific Council of ICBAS (2014-2018).
In 2015 e became Associated Professor, and in 2016 he was designated Director of the Course of Medicine. Also in 2016 he became Senior Cardiologist (final classification of 19.93 values, over 20). Since 2017 he is Full Professor and member of the Unit for Multidisciplinary Research in Biomedicine (UMIB).
He Is Dean of ICBAS and President of the Scientific Council, since December 2018.
From December 2020, until now, he is the President of the Council of Portuguese Medical Schools (CEMP).
On regard of his clinical practice, he coordinated, as team leader, more than 50.000 cardiac intervention procedures (coronary and structural), having been the first operator in more than 20.000 (diagnostic and therapeutic procedures). He performed more than 150 lectures in Portuguese and international scientific meetings, and published sixty-six articles in pear revue scientific magazines (as first author, senior author or co- author), seven chapters of scientific books, and a hundred and forty-eight articles as abstracts in pear revue publications.
He is/was the coordinator of fifteen master degree students, and seven PhD students. He is/was also Co-coordinator of two PhD students.
He is member of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology (SPC), the Portuguese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention (APIC), the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), the European Society of Cardiovascular Intervention (EAPCI), the Portuguese Association of Cardiac Pacing (APAP), and the Portuguese Resuscitation Council (CPR).