EU Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change Estudos e Documentos EU Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change The new strategy sets out how the European Union can adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change and become…European Commission24 de Fevereiro, 2021
FAO report: The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020 Estudos e DocumentosPublicações FAO report: The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020 CPSA7 de Novembro, 2020
WHO: Guidance for climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities Estudos e DocumentosPublicações WHO: Guidance for climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities ORIENTAÇÃO PARA QUEM RESILENTE AO CLIMA E AMBIENTALMENTE SUSTENTÁVEL INSTALAÇÕES DE SAÚDECPSA12 de Outubro, 2020
WHO: Energizing health: accelerating electricity access in health-care facilities Estudos e DocumentosPublicações WHO: Energizing health: accelerating electricity access in health-care facilities Energizando a saúde: acelerando o acesso à eletricidade em unidades de saúde. O acesso à eletricidade é fundamental para a…CPSA12 de Outubro, 2020
Drought and fires influence the respiratory diseases hospitalizations in the Amazon Artigos Científicos Drought and fires influence the respiratory diseases hospitalizations in the Amazon Precipitation decline and vegetation fires in the Amazon region associated with climate change and deforestation expose local communities to hazardous…Ecological Indicators25 de Outubro, 2019
Health Care’s Climate Footprint Estudos e Documentos Health Care’s Climate Footprint This report establishes the first-ever global estimate of health care’s climate footprint and makes a set of recommendations to align…Arup30 de Setembro, 2019
EASAC: The imperative of climate action to protect human health in Europe Estudos e Documentos EASAC: The imperative of climate action to protect human health in Europe O ritmo e a extensão das mudanças climáticas representam sérios desafios para os ganhos globais em saúde obtidos nas últimas…Eco3 de Junho, 2019
International comparison of health care carbon footprints Artigos Científicos International comparison of health care carbon footprints Accumulating climate impacts are putting an increased burden on the service provision of already stressed health care systems in many…Environmental Research Letters24 de Maio, 2019
WHO: Housing and health guidelines Estudos e DocumentosPublicações WHO: Housing and health guidelines Visão geral: Melhores condições de moradia podem salvar vidas, prevenir doenças, aumentar a qualidade de vida, reduzir a pobreza e…CPSA23 de Novembro, 2018
Special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C Estudos e Documentos Special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change6 de Outubro, 2018