Artigos Científicos Talking about climate change and healthThe climate crisis is also an urgent and ongoing health crisis with diverse human impacts leading to physical, mental and…Nature1 de Junho, 2024
Notícias Mundo Why babies in South Korea are suing the governmentThe first case in East Asia to challenge government climate policies will boost awareness of global warming and encourage further…Nature20 de Maio, 2024
Artigos Científicos Why the world cannot afford the richEquality is essential for sustainability. The science is clear — people in more-equal societies are more trusting and more likely…Nature12 de Março, 2024
Notícias Mundo The world has warmed 1.5 °C, according to 300-year-old spongesBy the time that official temperature records began, global temperatures had already risen by half a degree.Nature8 de Fevereiro, 2024
Artigos Científicos Heat-related mortality in Europe during the summer of 2022Over 70,000 excess deaths occurred in Europe during the summer of 2003. The resulting societal awareness led to the design…Nature10 de Julho, 2023
Notícias Mundo Rewilding the planetAn archipelago constructed of sand and mud is bringing new life to a dead lake but can this bold experiment…Nature26 de Abril, 2023
Publicações ‘This shouldn’t be happening’: levels of banned CFCs rising'Isto não deveria de estar a acontecer': níveis de CFCs proibidos estão a aumentar - Pesquisadores detectaram um aumento nas…Nature5 de Abril, 2023
Notícias Mundo Hidden harms of indoor air pollution – five steps to expose themA poluição do ar é uma das principais causas de doenças - de asma a doenças cardíacas, derrame, cancro de…Nature10 de Fevereiro, 2023